The Acorn

Read about the tiny homes, how to unplug, the locations and much more.

Priyanka Sutaria Priyanka Sutaria

Enemies-To-Lovers: My Romance With The Great Outdoors

Two rivals. An idiot with way too much main character energy. A whole lotta tension. Romance tropes out the wazoo. This is the tale of how I hated, unhated, and kinda sorta fell a little bit in love with nature.

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Priyanka Sutaria Priyanka Sutaria

The Loud Problem Of Quiet Luxury

The biggest draw of quiet luxury is how ostensibly normal it is. And if the moneyed can give the appearance of normality, then perhaps it can be achieved by those who are not made of money.

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Priyanka Sutaria Priyanka Sutaria

My Experiments With Wild Things: A Letter To Hobbes

‘My Experiments With Wild Things’ is an epistolary anthology where a reluctant wayfarer explores Tenpy’s tiny homes, composing a collection of affecting letters relating realisations, anecdotes, and experiences.

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Priyanka Sutaria Priyanka Sutaria

My Experiments With Wild Things: A Letter To Rusty

‘My Experiments With Wild Things’ is an epistolary anthology where a reluctant wayfarer explores Tenpy’s tiny homes, composing a collection of affecting letters relating realisations, anecdotes, and experiences.

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Priyanka Sutaria Priyanka Sutaria

This Is The End Of Your Doomscroll

Are you obsessively seeking depressing incidents, happenings, and circumstances on the internet? Here are 5 things to do to avoid becoming a willing victim to the Black Widow that is doomscrolling.

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Arsh Bansal Arsh Bansal

Spending time in nature

Picture this: on a cloudy evening, as you work from home (you know why), you walk to your balcony and see the tall trees and blooming flowers in the central vista of your society, and all you can think is, “When can I finally get outdoor to just get away from my devices for a bit and be part of that primitive life we all grew up in?”

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