Winter Self-Care: Surviving The Grey Days With a Smile (And Sanity Intact)

Cups of hot chai or coffee, cute sweaters and lots of festivals to look forward to - winters in India are a magical time. Everyone is gearing up for parties and dinners with loved ones, and you ... well, you turn into a hibernating bear with Wi-Fi. After all, tis’ the season of twinkling lights, holiday cheer, and a desperate struggle to stay happy and motivated amidst the allure of cosy blankets.

We’re all tempted to let go and float out of network until January. But not all of us can, right? This is why we decided to find ways to battle the unwarranted ‘winter lazies’, as we like to call it. We’re happy to announce that we’ve discovered - through much trial and error (and an embarrassing number of Netflix marathons) - some surprisingly effective strategies for staying sane during these chilly months. 

Here are our top 5 tips for surviving winter with your happiness and productivity intact:

  1. Befriend The Sun (Yes, It Still Exists)
    Sunlight during winter is like that one friend who always shows up late to the party – rare but cherished. Just 15 minutes of sunlight a day can lift your spirits and remind your body that it's not living in an Arctic cave. So, throw open those curtains, or better yet, step outside. Your vitamin D levels (and your mood) will thank you.

  2. Nature Breaks (No, Trees Don’t Hibernate)
    Speaking of stepping outside, when was the last time you went for a walk? Yeah, we know the blanket is cosier but a brief walk amidst the trees can do wonders for your mental health. It’s like pressing the reset button on your brain. And who knows, you might even think of your next masterpiece on one of these strolls.

  3. Move It or Lose It (Your Mind, That Is)
    Exercise might be the last thing you want to do when it’s cold outside, but it’s a fantastic way to combat the winter blues. It doesn’t have to be a full-on gym session; a dance party in your living room or a brisk walk during your lunch break counts. Your endorphins will be so grateful they might just throw their own little party.

  4. Hygge It Up
    Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) is a Danish concept that’s all about cosiness, comfort, and contentment. It’s basically winter self-care 101. Plan your day around a hygge downtime so you look forward to it. Light some candles, wrap yourself in a blanket, and read a book or journal. Create a little cosy corner where you can retreat from the world. It’s like building a fort but with more style and less cardboard.

  5. Create a Morning Routine
    Getting out of your bed is the hardest part during winter. You don’t want to leave the warmth behind and the more you snooze, the harder it gets to stay motivated. You can leave a warm sweater on your bedside that won’t make you miss the blanket. Follow this with some morning moves to your favourite bop playlist. Lastly, stock your kitchen with your favourite teas and coffees for a caffeine kick. We recommend Ginger, Chamomile or just plain black tea.

So, there you have it. With these strategies in your winter survival kit, you’re all set to face the cold months with a bit more pep in your step. Remember, winter is just a season – it’s up to us to make it a reason to smile (and occasionally roll our eyes at the absurdity of wearing five layers just to get the mail). Stay warm, stay happy!


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