Found that work/life balance yet?

Written by Arsh Bansal

When someone asks us “how are you doing” these days, the only responses we seem to have are revolved around us being “extremely busy.” It could vary from person to person, but the busyness in life could be due to work life, social responsibilities or just the sheer amount of time we are spending online. It seems as if we are so “busy” doing so many other things that we forget the importance of just doing nothing or just spending time with our loved ones. In the end, with the busyness of our lives we end up forgetting the basic aspects of life and makes us drift away from focusing on the betterment of ourselves.


The formation of the company, Tenpy, came about to achieve that balance in our lives and hopefully help others as well find it. We seem to be stuck in cities that are acting as concrete jungles and we don’t really get any respite. We seem to be forgetting what stillness sounds like. Disconnection from screens we stare at, a much-needed break from that work email we keep getting after work, and the importance of nature that we all can escape to, that’s what we are trying to sell with Tenpy. We don’t want this to be a “resort” where you can just do activities after activities in a crowded touristy place. We want the company to mean much more than that. To create something that will help you get that much needed respite from daily life, we created these tiny homes, set them up in campsites around major cities and we invite you to use them as your home away from home.

There are a multitude of cultural trends that have taken shape which bring to life the idea of finding that ever growing need of a balanced life. People have been jumping on the band wagon of digital detoxes by turning off their messages or putting on silent after specific work hours, or the idea of “shin rin yoku”, which translates to forest bathing, revolves around spending time in nature as it heals you by reducing the stress hormones. There are so many ways we can achieve that balance if we just give ourselves time and just slow down a bit. We seem to be over obsessed with technology (one of the greatest inventions of our time) and that’s taking a toll on our mental health.

Having grown up in the mountains and been surrounded by nature since I was seven, the desire to get back to nature always beckoned. It was easy to take it for granted while living there, but when time passed and got so busy in our daily lives, the want to get back and just be around nature for a while kept coming at the back of my mind. I am not saying that we should all abandon our city lives and head to the woods. The city is vital for our needs in terms of the people we meet, the places we are surrounded and so on. We believe that the end goal is to achieve that balanced life of work and leisure and we are positive that our tiny homes will be able to help you find balance in your lives.

Ready to take that much needed break? Book Now


Spending time in nature