Tips for sustainable travel

Written by Arsh Bansal

Less footprint = sustainable tourism. That’s what we are striving to aim at Tenpy. Building innovative habitations that promote minimal and simplistic lifestyle that camping offers, plus the creature comforts. Building a product that performs well enough to act as a “home away from home”, Tenpy aims to create a balance in sustainable accommodations with the much-needed comforts. The usage of tiny homes as spaces to disconnect act as a natural collaboration between nature, home and the you. Upcycling shipping containers to create these spaces is what Tenpy hopes to bring across India in a bid to promote the likes of “camping”, “glamping” and much more. The cabins are minuscule in space, smaller than a traditional hotel room but big enough to be catered as a home for the user.

I think we all know by now what impact the tourism industry has on the planet as a whole. We tend to forget what we do on a daily basis at home, especially while travelling. Its important to keep in mind some sustainable efforts while we are on our get away. Here is a list of ways that could be used to keeping the efforts in check.

1.       Limit the wheels: Who doesn’t love road trippin’ over the Western Ghats? Minimizing the number of cars on the roads drastically helps in cutting down carbon emissions. Why not carpool with friends? (We recommend you telling your friend to carry light otherwise it could get sort of tight at the back!)

2.       Tiny home-loving: We all want amazing experiences when we travel, but its vital to choose accommodation that fits the bill of a sustainable future. We got you covered on that front! Tenpy provides sustainable stay options that are perfect for that much needed getaway.

3.       Water saving: Free water in your accommodation doesn’t mean you go all crazy and forget about water conservation. Please remember to turn of the tap when brushing, reuse towels whenever possible, take short showers and bring along that toothbrush if possible.

4.       A big No-no to plastic: Avoid single use plastic and carry cloth bags for your travels. The cabins are equipped with glass bottles which can be refilled with water whenever you need. We want to help keep the campsite clean, so we want you to clean up after yourself. (We believe in “Leave the place better than you found it.”)

5.       Local all the way: Eating as local as possible is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint. When renting a tiny home with us, you are provided with the local food available for all your meals that is freshly cooked on site.

Keep these points in mind and you are set to go on that much needed leisure trip. Book a tiny home now!


Think big and live small: Tiny homes for the soul


Spending time in nature