Think big and live small: Tiny homes for the soul

Written by Arsh Bansal

With the demand (and need) of ecotourism increasing dramatically every year, the trend for tiny homes and tiny living spaces will not be leaving us anytime soon. People are focusing on tourism and holidaying that promotes sustainability and low footprints. With the demand peaking to new heights every year, the supply of accommodation promoting ecotourism hasn’t been short. With people converting their homes to homestays, or eco-resorts in offbeat locations, there is something for everyone.

Where do tiny homes come into play?

Tiny homes are basically homes but without things that you don’t need. Peeling layer by layer so that you are left with a small footprint to live in. Each part of a tiny house is crafted to accommodate a lifestyle that is decluttered and minimal. There are many ways that tiny homes bring in the crowd. They establish a sense of simple lifestyle (downsizing and reducing things they own) that promotes people to adapt to. Tiny homes also cater to the need of relaxation in pristine environments which you would not usually get in cities.

We at Tenpy believe that tiny homes are way to promote a lifestyle that’s minimal and simplistic. With tiny homes we want to allow you “to try before you buy”, and if it really does suit you and your lifestyle then we can help you set up a home for you.

We create our tiny homes by upcyling shipping containers into these minimal spaces. Our aim is to create spaces out of material that’s promoting low footprint as well. tiny homes are basic in necessity and provide you with the minimum for what you need during your stay with us. A comfortable bed (or two) with a small kitchen area, a full fledged toilet and a outdoor deck await you to just forget that stressful life and just be. You’ll be provided with a mini fridge and an induction stove if you want to give cooking a shot.

We believe that there is no better way to explore these unfamiliar regions. Thinking of getting away from everything for the weekend? Pack some board games for the kids, pick up some ingredients for that quiet dinner and don’t forget that book that you’ve been meaning to finish; we have everything else taken care of.

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Tiny home cooking


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